Sunday, February 1, 2009

This and That

I haven't checked in for a few months and just want to share some updates. My sugery in Novemenber went well and I'm also moving forward with treatment for my other chronic health issues, so it has been a busy fall/winter medically. While treatment is going to be intense and taxing it its own right, I have more hope about my long-term physcial health picture than I have had in quite some time.

God's also doing some big things with my business. In January I had asked Him to really show me what He would have me do with the companies I represent as a consultants. Within 2 weeks, totally outside my own pursuit, 3 differnt ladies had contacted me to join my Gurrlie Girls Christian jewelry team and two local women asked me to host jewelry shows! I had done nothing whatsoever with this business since September because of my surgery and recovery, so it was very obviously a direct answer from the Lord that this is an area He wants me to continue to pursue. :)

My specific prayer right now is that God will raise up a few other local consultants as I'm the only GG rep within nearly 100 miles in any direction of Reno. With health limitations I am not really in a position to do shows on a consistant basis, but I would love to be able to be a resource to my team members and watch God grow their success with such a great business, while I keep things more low-key on a personal level, taking individual sales and team building.

Homeschooling continues to be a huge blessing in our lives, even at times where I really struggle physically just to cope with the basics of motherhood and home management. When a friend was recently sharing that she didn't think she could homeschool, I told her how school time is our point of connection even when the rest of life feels like it might be unraveling around us. I am so thankful for this blessing to share such sweet time and memories with my precious miracles.

Exciting things are happening with Hannah's Prayer too, as I will share soon. Because it's so special, that needs the attention of it's own entry. ;)

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