Saturday, December 13, 2014

Please SHARE!!!

 My Chiropractic Stroke Survival Story

I am a chiropractic stroke survivor. They tell me I should not be alive today. My doctor knew what happened. He didn't carry any insurance (common in the industry) and left the country, leaving us and our personal medical insurance (thankful for that!) to deal with my $1.5 million in anticipated medical expenses.

Medicine will tell you chiropractic stroke is a "rare" event. I submit to you that it is only considered rare because there are no accurate statistical reporting mechanisms in place! I think if anyone realized how often this happens, they would be shocked. Instead, individual records get buried under privacy laws and no one has access to the real numbers. 

Please help us pass a mandatory reporting law, where individual information stays private but a hospital is simply asked to report if they see a stroke patient who has recently received a cervical neck manipulation. That's it, just raw numbers! Chiropractic stroke - not rare, just dreadfully UNDER-REPORTED! Please help us prove that! 

Please sign the petition at and share this with 5 friends!

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