Friday, February 12, 2010

Fiction Fridays: Angela Hunt

Angela Hunt has written many compelling titles. While not directly related to infertility, both The Pearl and Unspoken were thought provoking for me. I would not advise reading either when feeling emotionally fragile, and since not written specifically for an infertile audience, there will be things that might not sit well.
The Pearl deals with the death of a child and a mother's depth of grief that drives to a splintered marriage and desperate measures including cloning.
Unspoken is a sweet story for anyone with a loving "Fur Baby" (animal/pet that is a stand-in child) in her life, though it does also relate a lot to grief (and has a subplot of miscarriage through another character). I'll warn you upfront that the ending is rather tragic.

I have never read The Truth Teller by this same author but believe it is a story about an infertile woman who is widowed and tries to still have her husband's child - as with any of Hunt's books, I would expect there to be a lot of plot twisting, no easy answers and ethically challenging complexity involved. Is this a title you have read? If so, would you recommend it? Why or why not? I would love to hear your thoughts. :)

Have you read any titles by Angela? How have you been impacted by this author's writing style? Can you suggest other authors who have tackled the challenging topics of infertility or loss in their fiction writing? Did they do a good job, or did their depictions of your experiences leave you wanting? Please share!

1 comment:

Lori said...

I am not familiar with those titles, but I am intrigued by The Pearl....I'll have to check it out!