I wrote up this little re-introduction for an infertility support group I used to be involved with (if you were ever part of Ladies In Waiting before the merger with Hannah's Prayer and the message boards, we would be delighted to have you join our reunion group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/29821283957/ ) too! I wanted to share it herel, but first, since nearly everyone that has posted there so far, are also now "InfertilityMom"s, I recently shared,
"Praise the Lord to see how many children he has added to so many families here, by births, adoptions, or some combination. What a testimony from this infertile flock to attest to God's overwhelming grace! But what of the equally amazing grace stories that haven't really been told yet here? Any old LIWs willing to share if you are still waiting or God has closed the doors??? We would love to celebrate with you God's sustaining grace and how He has uniquely woven your story and continues to walk with you. Please share!"
Without further ado, here's our family's miracle story:
Julie Donahue started LIW (online) about the time I started HP (offline). In 1996 I began venturing more into the online world, via my husband's encouragement. Julie, who had pretty much just been only on AOL, found me on a (non-AOL) public infertility message board, we got to know each other, realized were lived only a few hours apart, John and Julie drove up to meet us, I joined LIW, Julie eventually suggested a ministry merge (HP had the legal structure and LIW had the multi-issue vision and network). A couple years later that what God led us to do!
Rick and I got married in 1992 and started TTC pretty much right away. Within that first year I was already seeing an "infertility specialist" (ob/gyn with an interest in infertility, I didn't even know what an RE was!) and was on Clomid. After about 18 months of progressively stronger doses of Clomid, (yes, 3 times more than they now suggest as a lifetime cap for number of cycles on this medication!) we stopped the drug because insurance wouldn't go any further and we were told I was allergic to Rick's sperm so would never get pregnant without at least IUI.In a rebound effect after stopping all that Clomid (even though I rarely ever ovulated on it), I ovulated and got pregnant in early December, 1994. I miscarried just after Christmas day (first negative test on the 24th, so went through Christmas suspecting trouble). Noel Alexis, our Christmas Minister of Needs, because she addressed the need to become parents, even though she did not stay here.
"Big J." was conceived on injectables, Metformin and via IUI after our first try resulted in hyperstimulation and a forced cycle sidelined while I recovered. He was born, full term, but tiny (4 pounds 13 ounces) just before Christmas, 1999, coming home on Christmas Eve! Early testing indicated that he was likely a twin, but I cannot let my heart go there.
Seven serious adoption leads (never a bring-home child for us), prior to J., but as far as we know, there were no more pregnancies over the next 4+ years prior to his birth (between him and Noel). Two more (natural conception!) pregnancies/miscarriages around his first birthday (Joel Samuel, then Hannah Rose who was due on J's second birthday) then no pregnancies again for over a year. We were working with an agency about adopting a daughter from China at this point and I was daily praying for "Ruth and her birthmom." Little did we know how God was already planning to answer those prayers...
"Princess R." was born (after high risk pregnancy and bedrest starting at 25 weeks) in January, 2003, after I had been told I could not ever get pregnant again (less than 5% chance even with medical aid) and if I somehow managed, I would absolutely NOT carry another baby to live birth. I was on Metformin when we conceived her a few months after the 3 1/2 hour laparoscopy that had delivered this news just a few months before! Otherwise, it was "natural" conception and she was my biggest (6 pounds, 5 ounces) and longest carried baby.
After two year of pretty brutal post partum depression (in part triggered by God's redirection from adoption to another bio baby when I had done so much to relinquish the dream of pregnancy to God), I started getting a baby itch again. Rick was not interested because he had seen how hard the last pregnancy had been on me, both physically and emotionally, so we were actually trying to prevent pregnancy for the first season in our entire marriage. Once again, our plans must have made God laugh, because Little J. (who put me on bedrest at just 19 weeks!) came a month early, January 2006, and came home on R's 3rd birthday! It is then that I really realized how much PPD had impacted my first 2 years with R., as God very much used J. to restore joy and laughter to our home. God's surprises are amazing. I joyfully call J. our "bonus baby."
When I had a semi-emergency hysterectomy the fall before J.'s3rd birthday, I knew God was absolutely closing the door to more biological children, but I held onto the dream/hope that we still might adopt some day. After my strokes, 2 years ago, this door is firmly closed as well. I still have twinges of desire and "could-have-been" moments, but overall I am content with the knowledge that we are truly finished. It was a long road, but after 7 years of no bring home babies, I'm still in awe that we are blessed with THREE today. They are "perfectly spaced" at almost exactly 3 years apart each time and I laugh and frequently comment, even still, that no one would ever guess we were infertile just by looking at our family!
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Reformed Heart
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From Facebook |
Last year I was home but don't really remember the date (other than to tell you that my creative kids came up with the idea of doing black eyes with make up and wearing white t-shirts with the letter P on them, so they were 3 "black-eyed peas"). It was probably a pretty normal homeschool day otherwise. I would guess we spent that evening with my parents since this is the general tradition for our family.
This year my kids are in public school for the first time and Oct. 31 is a BIG deal there, with parties and a festival to plan and costumes and all. Last night I tried to curl our daughter's hair to go with her Merida (from Brave) dress we had been given. We watch a tutorial on using drinking straws to make Merida's wild ringlets. I was frustrated that I didn't have the hand dexterity to even do one last night, so my husband stepped in. Looks adorable though! Our little guy has a thrift store muscle costume and is going as batman. We will spend the evening playing games with Nana and Grandpa tonight. :)
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So today I celebrate this day the Lord has made and instead of hiding and wishing for the day to pass quickly, I rejoice in how the day was redeemed for His glory when Martin Luther posted 95 theses on the door of the church establishment that was getting too caught up in "earning" salvation rather than grace and Christ alone. Happy Reformation Day!
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From Facebook |
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
I know this post is bound to open up a can of worms. I am not presuming to be your teacher here. I believe when God wants to get your attention on an issue, it is the Holy Spirit's job to bring about conviction, NOT mine!
After talking with a few friends, let me be clear that this is NOT a matter of "becoming a Christian" and I am speaking here of an issue I only believe is applicable for consideration by those who already are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ! If this does not describe your view of your own relationship with God, please do not get caught up in my thoughts here or let anything I'm thinking about stand between you and Jesus!!!
I'm pondering these things only because I already love Jesus and want to express that on a deeper level than I have before. I totally believe this is a secondary issues behind the simple truth that God asks us to come to Him, simply believing that He is (if you aren't there, challenge Him to show you He exists and cares about your life), that I am imperfect and that He traded His perfect life in exchange for my pardon, but that He is powerful enough that even death couldn't hold Him, so I can totally trust that He will hold me, into Eternity, when I put my trust in Him.
In a different context, my pastor wrote some words, based on John 4:2 (Although Jesus himself did not baptize, but only his disciples.), that capture the "secondary issue" nature of what I'm trying to express here: "Human works, including baptism, doesn't save anyone. If it did, then Jesus really missed the boat because He failed to baptize a single soul. So the thing that anybody can do Jesus did not do and the thing nobody can do, Jesus did. He offered his life for mine. The perfect for the imperfect. The sinless for the sinner. The righteous for the unrighteous."
I'm sharing my thoughts here because I get asked about my personal convictions often enough that it will be helpful to me to have a central place to share my ideas. This is primarily a compilation of emails I have already shared with individual concerning this topic (slightly edited in structure to better fit with a blogging platform rather than email). The Scripture passage, written to the early church, that I'm pondering is:
The explanation I was raised with is that tradition of women wearing head covering “was cultural” and I know NO one else locally who is following this conviction. It is probably the single area my mom and I are the least sinked, theologically, as we have very similar views on just about every other issue.
I do have one friend, locally, with similar beliefs, but her husband doesn’t share her views, so I have encouraged her that I feel she is being most God-honoring by respecting her husband’s conviction for her not to wear a hat. Nothing like saying, “I’m wearing this to show submission to my husband who does not think I should be wearing this!” In this case, I think it is the husband who is taking on the accountability before God for the choice he has made in leading his wife!
I had never really given this passage much thought or study of my own for well over 30 years of figuring the cultural argument took care of it, until one specific phrase jumped off the page at kept nagging at my heart, that the instruction for a woman to cover her head was given in part, “because of the angels.” Do I understand exactly what that means or how it works? I do not, but if there is a supernatural element here, I can no longer be content with the thought that this text was speaking to the fashion trends of the day.
God is eternal and unchanging. His angels, while created beings, like us, are seeing our obedience (or lack of) to the Lord to somehow help them better understand God’s character, His holiness. If simply putting something over my head to show God’s authority over my husband, then my husband’s authority over me, somehow brings glory and honor to God, who am I to balk at this minor request?
Fashion wise, it is no longer (since about the 60s) the norm in our culture. This is where things get a little tricky. I have heard the argument that a head covering should NOT be “trendy” but should be easily identifiable as set apart from culture, so a cute hat or head band or whatever, that blends into society norms, doesn’t cut it. I have also read that the Greek word used here indicates a “hanging down veil” that totally covers one’s hair (there is another school of thought that God’s coverings always come in pairs, but that the first covering is totally enclosed within the second, thus a woman’s hair, her glory, is to be fully concealed beneath a veil or the very point of covering at all is nullified).
It may be that with further prayer and study God refines my views here, but at this point, I think the second argument (hanging down veil) actually nullifies the first (should not fit into daily culture) because a “hanging down veil” exactly WAS the cultural norm of the day Paul was writing. He did not instruct that some odd custom was to be instated that would instantly set a woman apart by one glance (I think here of how distinctly a Muslim woman stands out in today’s culture) but he used a word that simply indicated the acceptable head covering of that day.
Realizing it is more paraphrase that strict translation, I like how the Contemporary English Version puts it simply, “a woman ought to wear something on her head.” [Speaking of paraphrases, I usually enjoy the fresh perspective The Message offers to enhance my understanding of any given passage of Scripture, but I'm afraid that their translation of this particular passage badly muddies the waters and strays terribly far from the original intent of language selected.]
I personally feel that what that “something” is gets into legalism where the point here, in my mind, is simply some outward symbol of obedience and submission. To me there is little difference between Jesus’s instructions for believers to practice communion (a topic Paul reiterates later in this very chapter) or baptism and Paul’s instruction concerning head cover (men should not, women should, for prayer and prophesy).
Paul ever foresaw this cultural conflict when he asked us to do this, telling us not to argue the point because there is “no other practice” for the church. To me, that’s pretty clear cut, this is what God commands and He doesn’t give room for other options.
To me it is such a strong and very clear mandate, and yet, I know I am in the minority within my Christian circles. Does that mean all my friends are in sin if I am right then? That is really between them and God. If so, I was in sin in this area for more than 30 years before God started working the slightest conviction in my heart on this issue!
Bottom line, we all sin, in countless ways, every single day. That I feel convicted that God is asking me to cover my head in no way makes me any “more spiritual” than the next woman. It simply means that in this one area, I would be in outright rebellion to what God has convicted me if I did not obey what I believe He has called me to. To think otherwise leads me into more sin of pride, judgment, and self glorification! Since the whole point is to bring God glory in the first place, how very sad! :(
God died for us all. We are all under way more grace than we could ever earn! God gives very few instructions to believers (baptism, communion, and I believe how we treat our heads to reflect His order of authority), but not keeping these instructions doesn’t nullify His grace nor the validity of salvation. Not by works...
Practically speaking, there are times when it is a hassle (socially, physically, or emotionally) to cover. That’s when I have to remind myself that it is a heart issue, spirituality, we are dealing with here. Is my heart in a posture of submission that I am then willing to humbly reflect (even when I’m the only one) with my head? Over time, I am becoming more comfortable with this practice. I’ve found some really cute (and culturally appropriate) hats, head bands, large flower clips I can put on my head, etc. But, at least for me, I think that was part of what God has been working on in my heart, doing what He asked even when I feel terribly alone and conspicuous, simply because I am striving to be obedient.
When I first started to cover I did a lot of scarves (I could wear around my neck until church service started, then quietly slip up over my head), and while I still do this occasionally, I have gradually found what works better for me.
For a while I tried to keep something on my head at all times, sometimes even just reaching my hand up over my head when we prayed each morning. Then I came to peace with the fact that in our society, living under someone’s roof is a sign of being under their authority, so I figured that as long as I am physically under my husband’s roof, I am already symbolically covered and can pray without ceasing within these walls without needing to do anything extra to prepare my heart before God.
When I step out my door, out from under his symbolic covering, I am getting in the habit of trying to always wear a hat or head band or at least have a scarf around my neck, that I can quickly pull up over my head, for moments of prayer, for teaching, for sudden or unexpected witnessing opportunities (this is why it is easier to pretty much wear the hat or headband because I don’t want my culturally odd practice to be a stumbling block to others), etc.
I still take special time to prepare my head with some kind of covering if I know I am headed to church or public speaking in the name of Christ or something like that, but it really takes very little to strive to be prepared in season and out.
Most Christian I speak with believe that long hair is a woman's covering, but in studying the passage I just don't believe that is the case, was already coming to this conviction even before my hair had to be cut for medical reasons. Interestingly, when it was medicinally chopped off I did feel quite "shorn" and shameful over the fact, unlike any time I have chosen short hair cuts in the past, but much as many women speak of feeling about their lack of choice over their bald heads from chemotherapy. As several local friends can attest, this is when my passion for head covering really grew, to cover my own sudden loss of what I had thought of as my covering.
I am told that when my pastor came to pray with me in ICU (even prior to my hair cut), I grabbed a tissue and put it on my head. This idea makes me smile because at a time when I had little awareness, God honored my desire to honor Him with my head and heart. :) Again, I really think it is simply an outward reflection of an inward commitment, sort of like a wedding ring doesn’t make you married, just is a symbol showing that you are.
ETA: I found this article long after I had already shared my thoughts, but it offered some additional perspective, such as why head covering may only be demanded of married: http://www.lightofmashiach.org/women/headcovering.html
I'm not in agreement and believe my daughter should cover her head even under her father's authority, but it was an interesting perspective to read and I did appreciate many of the points presented.
On a somewhat related note (heart attitudes in how we present our bodies), I found Why We Dress Our Best for Church, to be a well-thought-out article as well.
After talking with a few friends, let me be clear that this is NOT a matter of "becoming a Christian" and I am speaking here of an issue I only believe is applicable for consideration by those who already are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ! If this does not describe your view of your own relationship with God, please do not get caught up in my thoughts here or let anything I'm thinking about stand between you and Jesus!!!
I'm pondering these things only because I already love Jesus and want to express that on a deeper level than I have before. I totally believe this is a secondary issues behind the simple truth that God asks us to come to Him, simply believing that He is (if you aren't there, challenge Him to show you He exists and cares about your life), that I am imperfect and that He traded His perfect life in exchange for my pardon, but that He is powerful enough that even death couldn't hold Him, so I can totally trust that He will hold me, into Eternity, when I put my trust in Him.
In a different context, my pastor wrote some words, based on John 4:2 (Although Jesus himself did not baptize, but only his disciples.), that capture the "secondary issue" nature of what I'm trying to express here: "Human works, including baptism, doesn't save anyone. If it did, then Jesus really missed the boat because He failed to baptize a single soul. So the thing that anybody can do Jesus did not do and the thing nobody can do, Jesus did. He offered his life for mine. The perfect for the imperfect. The sinless for the sinner. The righteous for the unrighteous."
I'm sharing my thoughts here because I get asked about my personal convictions often enough that it will be helpful to me to have a central place to share my ideas. This is primarily a compilation of emails I have already shared with individual concerning this topic (slightly edited in structure to better fit with a blogging platform rather than email). The Scripture passage, written to the early church, that I'm pondering is:
But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head. But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head—it is the same as having her head shaved. For if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should cover her head. A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man. For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. It is for this reason that a woman ought to have authority over her own head, because of the angels. Nevertheless, in the Lord woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God. Judge for yourselves: Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him, but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For long hair is given to her as a covering. If anyone wants to be contentious about this, we have no other practice—nor do the churches of God. - 1 Corinthians 11:3-16, NIV
You may or may not agree with anything I post here (or think I'm on the right tract in some areas but too legalistic or lax in others) and that is totally OK. In fact, if God has put a different view upon your heart, I would love you to leave a (kindly worded) comment to tell me about it. As long as you are sharing in a loving manner, I truly would like to learn what you think!
I will be happy to share my personal opinions on this matter. Please keep in mind, they are exactly that. I know very many, very strong, Godly men and women who I highly respect Biblically, who do NOT share these views. But I am happy to share my thoughts on why I have come to these personal convictions.The explanation I was raised with is that tradition of women wearing head covering “was cultural” and I know NO one else locally who is following this conviction. It is probably the single area my mom and I are the least sinked, theologically, as we have very similar views on just about every other issue.
I do have one friend, locally, with similar beliefs, but her husband doesn’t share her views, so I have encouraged her that I feel she is being most God-honoring by respecting her husband’s conviction for her not to wear a hat. Nothing like saying, “I’m wearing this to show submission to my husband who does not think I should be wearing this!” In this case, I think it is the husband who is taking on the accountability before God for the choice he has made in leading his wife!
I had never really given this passage much thought or study of my own for well over 30 years of figuring the cultural argument took care of it, until one specific phrase jumped off the page at kept nagging at my heart, that the instruction for a woman to cover her head was given in part, “because of the angels.” Do I understand exactly what that means or how it works? I do not, but if there is a supernatural element here, I can no longer be content with the thought that this text was speaking to the fashion trends of the day.
God is eternal and unchanging. His angels, while created beings, like us, are seeing our obedience (or lack of) to the Lord to somehow help them better understand God’s character, His holiness. If simply putting something over my head to show God’s authority over my husband, then my husband’s authority over me, somehow brings glory and honor to God, who am I to balk at this minor request?
Fashion wise, it is no longer (since about the 60s) the norm in our culture. This is where things get a little tricky. I have heard the argument that a head covering should NOT be “trendy” but should be easily identifiable as set apart from culture, so a cute hat or head band or whatever, that blends into society norms, doesn’t cut it. I have also read that the Greek word used here indicates a “hanging down veil” that totally covers one’s hair (there is another school of thought that God’s coverings always come in pairs, but that the first covering is totally enclosed within the second, thus a woman’s hair, her glory, is to be fully concealed beneath a veil or the very point of covering at all is nullified).
It may be that with further prayer and study God refines my views here, but at this point, I think the second argument (hanging down veil) actually nullifies the first (should not fit into daily culture) because a “hanging down veil” exactly WAS the cultural norm of the day Paul was writing. He did not instruct that some odd custom was to be instated that would instantly set a woman apart by one glance (I think here of how distinctly a Muslim woman stands out in today’s culture) but he used a word that simply indicated the acceptable head covering of that day.
Realizing it is more paraphrase that strict translation, I like how the Contemporary English Version puts it simply, “a woman ought to wear something on her head.” [Speaking of paraphrases, I usually enjoy the fresh perspective The Message offers to enhance my understanding of any given passage of Scripture, but I'm afraid that their translation of this particular passage badly muddies the waters and strays terribly far from the original intent of language selected.]
I personally feel that what that “something” is gets into legalism where the point here, in my mind, is simply some outward symbol of obedience and submission. To me there is little difference between Jesus’s instructions for believers to practice communion (a topic Paul reiterates later in this very chapter) or baptism and Paul’s instruction concerning head cover (men should not, women should, for prayer and prophesy).
Paul ever foresaw this cultural conflict when he asked us to do this, telling us not to argue the point because there is “no other practice” for the church. To me, that’s pretty clear cut, this is what God commands and He doesn’t give room for other options.
I really liked what Amy wrote about grace on her thread though:
I think if you believe the Lord is convicting you to cover your head, that is what you must do! I don't think He convicts us of all of the same things at the same times, though, so I think if He has not personally convicted you out of your intimate relationship with Him, you do not need to. The OT is full of laws that God knew we wouldn't be able to keep, thus pointing us to our need for a Savior. Jesus's death on the cross gives us grace so that we are free from the law. However, if we are in relationship with Him and He asks us to do something, we need to obey. Grace is not an excuse to keep on sinning, but grace covers all sin! Where sin abounded, grace abounded much more (Romans 5:20).
Imagine if the day you become a Christian you are expected to follow all of the commandments right away and if you don't you're not a "good" Christian. We are none of us good enough Christians! Our standard is Christ and not each other. The harder we try out of our own power to be good Christians, the harder it is. Only through Christ are we able to do anything.
I think we can learn so much from each other, though. God does speak through other believers, so perhaps someone reading this thread is about to be personally convicted to cover their head.
To me it is such a strong and very clear mandate, and yet, I know I am in the minority within my Christian circles. Does that mean all my friends are in sin if I am right then? That is really between them and God. If so, I was in sin in this area for more than 30 years before God started working the slightest conviction in my heart on this issue!
Bottom line, we all sin, in countless ways, every single day. That I feel convicted that God is asking me to cover my head in no way makes me any “more spiritual” than the next woman. It simply means that in this one area, I would be in outright rebellion to what God has convicted me if I did not obey what I believe He has called me to. To think otherwise leads me into more sin of pride, judgment, and self glorification! Since the whole point is to bring God glory in the first place, how very sad! :(
God died for us all. We are all under way more grace than we could ever earn! God gives very few instructions to believers (baptism, communion, and I believe how we treat our heads to reflect His order of authority), but not keeping these instructions doesn’t nullify His grace nor the validity of salvation. Not by works...
Practically speaking, there are times when it is a hassle (socially, physically, or emotionally) to cover. That’s when I have to remind myself that it is a heart issue, spirituality, we are dealing with here. Is my heart in a posture of submission that I am then willing to humbly reflect (even when I’m the only one) with my head? Over time, I am becoming more comfortable with this practice. I’ve found some really cute (and culturally appropriate) hats, head bands, large flower clips I can put on my head, etc. But, at least for me, I think that was part of what God has been working on in my heart, doing what He asked even when I feel terribly alone and conspicuous, simply because I am striving to be obedient.
When I first started to cover I did a lot of scarves (I could wear around my neck until church service started, then quietly slip up over my head), and while I still do this occasionally, I have gradually found what works better for me.
For a while I tried to keep something on my head at all times, sometimes even just reaching my hand up over my head when we prayed each morning. Then I came to peace with the fact that in our society, living under someone’s roof is a sign of being under their authority, so I figured that as long as I am physically under my husband’s roof, I am already symbolically covered and can pray without ceasing within these walls without needing to do anything extra to prepare my heart before God.
When I step out my door, out from under his symbolic covering, I am getting in the habit of trying to always wear a hat or head band or at least have a scarf around my neck, that I can quickly pull up over my head, for moments of prayer, for teaching, for sudden or unexpected witnessing opportunities (this is why it is easier to pretty much wear the hat or headband because I don’t want my culturally odd practice to be a stumbling block to others), etc.
I still take special time to prepare my head with some kind of covering if I know I am headed to church or public speaking in the name of Christ or something like that, but it really takes very little to strive to be prepared in season and out.
Most Christian I speak with believe that long hair is a woman's covering, but in studying the passage I just don't believe that is the case, was already coming to this conviction even before my hair had to be cut for medical reasons. Interestingly, when it was medicinally chopped off I did feel quite "shorn" and shameful over the fact, unlike any time I have chosen short hair cuts in the past, but much as many women speak of feeling about their lack of choice over their bald heads from chemotherapy. As several local friends can attest, this is when my passion for head covering really grew, to cover my own sudden loss of what I had thought of as my covering.
I am told that when my pastor came to pray with me in ICU (even prior to my hair cut), I grabbed a tissue and put it on my head. This idea makes me smile because at a time when I had little awareness, God honored my desire to honor Him with my head and heart. :) Again, I really think it is simply an outward reflection of an inward commitment, sort of like a wedding ring doesn’t make you married, just is a symbol showing that you are.
ETA: I found this article long after I had already shared my thoughts, but it offered some additional perspective, such as why head covering may only be demanded of married: http://www.lightofmashiach.org/women/headcovering.html
I'm not in agreement and believe my daughter should cover her head even under her father's authority, but it was an interesting perspective to read and I did appreciate many of the points presented.
On a somewhat related note (heart attitudes in how we present our bodies), I found Why We Dress Our Best for Church, to be a well-thought-out article as well.
But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head. But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven. For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered. For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man. For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man. For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels. Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord. For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things of God.Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering. But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of God. - 1 Corinthians 11: 3-16, AKJV
Friday, October 25, 2013
2 Year Stroke Update
I posted a lengthy stroke update over on my other blog, for anyone who would like to read what's been going on here.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Not my kids this time, but two of my Facebook friends have recounted their kid stories over the past few weeks and I can't stop giggling, so I have to paraphrase these adorable tails here.
The first comes from another after-infertility mom. She says her daughter sometimes hears the word "barren" used in association with her own life story. The other day she asked her Daddy the meaning of that word. Turning the question back towards her, he asked what she thought it might mean. She replied that she figured it must be a cave where big, fuzzy animals live. A.K.A. "Bear Inn." :)
Another was when a friend took her toddlers to the library yesterday to get library cards. That evening, one of the little girls informed her Daddy, "Mommy took us to the library today to get credit cards so we can drive now!" Her Mommy thinks perhaps a little clarification may be in order. ;)
These stories remind me of the day that another of my friends, a woman in church leadership, once told about finding her young daughter stripped naked and playing in the baptismal with the equally nakedly innocent tiny son of the pastor. When the children were fished out, clothed and questioned, they explained that they had been "bath-a-tizing" one another!
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From Pinterest, showing brain hemisphere dominance |
Another was when a friend took her toddlers to the library yesterday to get library cards. That evening, one of the little girls informed her Daddy, "Mommy took us to the library today to get credit cards so we can drive now!" Her Mommy thinks perhaps a little clarification may be in order. ;)
These stories remind me of the day that another of my friends, a woman in church leadership, once told about finding her young daughter stripped naked and playing in the baptismal with the equally nakedly innocent tiny son of the pastor. When the children were fished out, clothed and questioned, they explained that they had been "bath-a-tizing" one another!
Monday, September 2, 2013
18 Years
18 years ago, I was due to have been in labor with our firstborn on Labor Day. Really not sad at the memory now, just strange to think of how different our lives could have been. I think I would still be grieving pretty strongly, if it weren't for this event that so profoundly changed my perspective. Knowing Noel knows nothing but Glory, I am eager to meet her again some day.
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Pintrest |
Here's an update about our vacation fun this weekend. :)
pregnancy loss,
Monday, August 12, 2013
First Day
All three kids are off to their first day of school. For the younger two (Yes, our 10-year-old got in! Thanks for the prayers!), it will be either of their first times ever in a traditional classroom. For our 13-year-old, he's had one semester of traditional classroom experience now, but it is his first day of high school.I'm doing OK. It was important to make the kids breakfast, take first day pictures in their new school uniforms, get extra hugs and pray blessings over them all, but so far just anxiousness wonder what they are each doing and thinking. I little hallow feeling in the pit of my stomache, but surprisingly not too bad and no tears at this point.
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Update: They all had wonderful days! |
Today is only a half day, so by the time Mom takes me to the gym for our therapy work out, I won't have long to wait to hear about the first day of school. I guess tomorrow will be the first real taste of our new reality.
For those who have wondered, the lemonade stand went great last week. :) I'm so glad the girls had this end of summer experience.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Cupcakes and Lemonade!
Our daughter and her friend wanted me to let you know they are holding a lemonade and cupcake stand at 1PM in Curti Ranch tomorrow (Wednesday). ;) If you are in Reno, please swing by and support two sweet little girls in their last of summer entrepreneurialism.
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From http://www.thecalmgallery.com/shop/shop_all/dwlemons_make_lemonade.htm |
bake sale,
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
No Bickering
A verse for my kids (me too!) to meditate upon and work towards memorizing:
Philippians 2:14-15:
Do everything readily and cheerfully—no bickering, no second-guessing allowed! Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Where To Find Me
People are continuing to find me through various sources and
surprised that they didn't know it was "me" all those different places.
So to help everyone find me, I want to list the projects and places
I currently remain active so you can easily find me. (Technically, I'm
registered for over 30 blogs, but some I don't keep current anymore,
some I per-registered for names of probable future book projects, some
are titles I know people to search for me by and just redirect to other
active blogs, etc.)
So here's where to currently find me actively writing, cup of tea on the side table next to me (picture from around my home to mentally picture the process):
Hannah's Hope: Seeking God's Heart in the Midst of Infertility, Miscarriage and Adoption Loss (book published by NavPress, 2005, ISBN-10: 1576836541; ISBN-13: 978-1576836545) . Hannah's Hope blog and Pintrest pages on infertility, miscarriage / loss, adoption. Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/HannahsHopeBook
InfertilityMom, blog on motherhood after infertility and loss. My motherhood pin board (along with those just listed above) probably best fits this audience. Homemaking too. :)
My current book project, a harvest-themed devotional study on the fruit of the Holy Spirit, especially in the face of trying times, working title Harvesting Hope from Heartache and the accompanying Harvesting Hope blog and Harvesting Hope, fruit of the Spirit , gardening, roses, and spiritual warfare Pintrest pages. Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/HarvestingHope
Of course, Stroke Of Grace, my unfolding stroke recovery journey blog. I hope to write an accompanying book if future years. On Pintrest, there are several specifically related pages: stroke-related pictures and thoughts, why I'm homesick for Heaven, therapy and exercise, my struggle to find purpose, thoughts on grace and glory and a great collection of brain images. Facbook at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stroke-of-Grace-by-Jennifer-Saake/339888582731687
A future book project, currently titled Given Me a Thorn,a
study on the life of the Apostle Paul as comfort, encouragement and
resources for living with chronic pain and/or illness. Pintrest pages at
Natural Health and Chronic Illness, Gluten Free, Latex Free, and Given Me a Thorn. Facbook at https://www.facebook.com/GivenMeaThorn
A page I have let fall fallow since the strokes, I hope to revive again, InnerBeautyGirlz, tips and tricks (and even some give-aways) for outward beauty, but with an intention focus on the heart and soul. I have, however, really been building my Pintest page on this beauty this year, a reflection of my own struggles both physically and emotionally/mentally, to accept God's perspective on me in my brokenness. Facbook at https://www.facebook.com/innerbeautygirlz
Find me on Twitter at @InfertilityMom. I would love to invite you to follow all my Pintrest boards (several more, not listed here, like Social Media, various holidays/seasons, Japan (special board on Koi fish), Tips and Tricks, romantic bicycles like the ones above and below, my heroes, Just Because... and much more) at /InfertilityMom.

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From Facebook - I do this a lot! |
Hannah's Hope: Seeking God's Heart in the Midst of Infertility, Miscarriage and Adoption Loss (book published by NavPress, 2005, ISBN-10: 1576836541; ISBN-13: 978-1576836545) . Hannah's Hope blog and Pintrest pages on infertility, miscarriage / loss, adoption. Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/HannahsHopeBook
InfertilityMom, blog on motherhood after infertility and loss. My motherhood pin board (along with those just listed above) probably best fits this audience. Homemaking too. :)
My current book project, a harvest-themed devotional study on the fruit of the Holy Spirit, especially in the face of trying times, working title Harvesting Hope from Heartache and the accompanying Harvesting Hope blog and Harvesting Hope, fruit of the Spirit , gardening, roses, and spiritual warfare Pintrest pages. Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/HarvestingHope
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From Facebook |
A page I have let fall fallow since the strokes, I hope to revive again, InnerBeautyGirlz, tips and tricks (and even some give-aways) for outward beauty, but with an intention focus on the heart and soul. I have, however, really been building my Pintest page on this beauty this year, a reflection of my own struggles both physically and emotionally/mentally, to accept God's perspective on me in my brokenness. Facbook at https://www.facebook.com/innerbeautygirlz
Find me on Twitter at @InfertilityMom. I would love to invite you to follow all my Pintrest boards (several more, not listed here, like Social Media, various holidays/seasons, Japan (special board on Koi fish), Tips and Tricks, romantic bicycles like the ones above and below, my heroes, Just Because... and much more) at /InfertilityMom.
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From Facebook |
My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise. - Psalm 51:17

Saturday, July 20, 2013
Last Chance!
Thank you to everyone who has helped with our homeschool retirement sale as God clearly closes this decade+ chapter of our lives and leads us on a new adventure. We pray everything that is scattering across the country will continue to bless many families!
Since I am wrapping up the sale and I realized I never even listed one item, I figured it would make thing easier on you if I post a quick little update on items still available for sale (though I'm not so keen on the idea of shipping more after this weekend because I just need to be done with this whole thing for my mental health - out of area sales through this weekend or if you happen to catch me in a good frame of mind, maybe next week too; local pick up please come get your things ASAP). Please review the original link for ordering questions that are likely all answered there!
I gave a pretty full update on family life, kid's schooling future, our son's new bedroom and how this sale has impacted me stroke-recovery wise, over on Stroke Of Grace (look toward the final several paragraphs for these bits of news). I would have normally posted all that here for regular blog followers, but with the sale and all the unique traffic, didn't want to cause extra confusion. :)
So what's still available?
Pending (hold until early August for potential buyer to get back in town)The Violin Book Program 3CDs and 9 workbooks by Eden Vaning-Rosen Asking $50 (worth over $200) - Or best offer!
Newly Offered: Violin (I think 3/4 size, possibly 1/2), one missing string, in back pack style carrying case. Asking $20
sale pending (check back after July 30 to see if still available) - Exploring Creation with General Science (2nd Edition) - book, CD, test booklet, daily lesson plans for use with My Father's World. Asking $40. (Please
visit apologia.com for product questions and current descriptions that
will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we
purchased in previous years.)
Exploring Creation with Physical Science (2nd Edition) - ONLY TESTS AND SOLUTIONS and daily lesson plans for use with My Father's World (NO book nor CD). Asking $5. (Please visit apologia.com for product questions and current descriptions that will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we purchased in previous years.)
Science (grade 5) Unit 3 workbook (pages 5 and 6 written in). Asking 50 cents. (Please visit aophomeschooling.com for product questions and current descriptions that will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we purchased in previous years.)
Science (grade 6) Teachers's Guide and Unit 3 workbook. Asking $2. (Please visit aophomeschooling.com for product questions and current descriptions that will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we purchased in previous years.)
Science Pac (grade 7) with Teacher's Guide. Asking $5. (Please visit aophomeschooling.com for product questions and current descriptions that will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we purchased in previous years.)
Science Pac (grade 8) units 2-10 (missing unit 1) and Teacher's Guide. Asking $4. (Please visit aophomeschooling.com for product questions and current descriptions that will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we purchased in previous years.)
Feed My Sheep (full video instruction and book). Asking$20 $10. (Barry Stebbing's How Great Tho Art award-winning homeschool art curriculum. Please
visit howgreatthouart.com for product questions and current descriptions that
will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we
purchased in previous years.)
I have done my very best to sort through "art cards" and match them up with correct curriculum packages, but I don't know how complete my sets of cards are nor how accurate my efforts. It is best to presume that this packages do NOT include its art cards at all, in hopes that you may be happily surprised if they do end up correctly matching up. :)
sale pending (check back after July 30 to see if still available) Jill S.Vo-Cab-u-lary Program. 6 cassette tapes with workbook and recall cards. "To improve thinking, communication, persuasiveness, success" and memory from Learn Inc. Asking $10 $5.
Writing Strands (old cover, one page written in) level 4. Asking $4
Dinning Room Table, cut down to be a perfect sized craft/school table for preschool through early elementary (local pick-up only). About the size of a brio train table.Asking $5. Free - you pick up!
Baby B'air (toddler sized) in-flight vest for lap-sitting children, under the age of two. (When my kids were little, we used this all the time so we didn't have to pay for a second ticket and felt much better about safety than with standard lap sitting.) Asking $10.
The Whipping Boy novel and workbook (clean copy with name on front cover). Asking $5. (Please
visit www.totallanguageplus.com/main.htm for product questions and current descriptions that
will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we
purchased in previous years.)
TLP Teacher's Manual (name on cover). Asking $2. (Please
visit www.totallanguageplus.com/main.htm for product questions and current descriptions that
will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we
purchased in previous years.)
Lingua Angelica (Christian Latin Reading Course) Student Book 1 by Memoria Press. Asking $3.
Latina Christiana Level 1 book and single listening (not teaching) CD . Asking $10 $5
The Courage of Sarah Noble workbook ONLY. Asking $4. (Please
visit www.totallanguageplus.com/main.htm for product questions and current descriptions that
will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we
purchased in previous years.)
sold Emilee B.;Usborme books "Kid Kit"Microscope in 100, 300 and 600 times zoom
(missing book and a may be missing a few kit parts unless mixed in with
the many pieces in science box) and Assorted Science Experiments. (This is not
by Apologia, but I didn't want you to miss it if you are looking at
other Science stuff.) Full box of extras include slides Hidden Worlds
book, weather watch kit,spring scale, psychrometer, tuning fork,
spectroscope . Asking $50 $20.
SOLD Sara D. 7/20Exploration to 1850 (year 4 of 5-year cycle for 3-8th
grades): Fairly complete Basic Package with
extras, minus consumables such as student pages package. Asking $150 $100.
Joseph the Canada Goose (ages 4-8) 45 beginning art lessons (no art cards needed for this program). Asking $10 $5.(Barry Stebbing's How Great Tho Art award-winning homeschool art curriculum. Please
visit howgreatthouart.com for product questions and current descriptions that
will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we
purchased in previous years.)
Little Annie's Art Book of Etiquette and Good Manners Asking $10 $5. (Barry Stebbing's How Great Tho Art award-winning homeschool art curriculum. Please
visit howgreatthouart.com for product questions and current descriptions that
will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we
purchased in previous years.)
I'm sorry. I really tried, but I never heard back, so it's gone:
Posted 7/15/13. Someone with the initials MB was wanting to buy my Math U See Delta package, but I cannot find anyone in any of my emails or PMs that has those initials and my short term recall in shot. Now I have NO idea who wanted to make this purchase. I am planning to mail this Friday (7/19), but don't have a name or address on this one. If you are MB, please email me again at jsaake AT yahoo DOT com or this item will be sold to another bidder on Friday morning. If you aren't the MB I am looking for, but can help circulate my odd request to other homeschool groups where she might see this, I would so appreciate the help! Thank you so very much!!! http://infertilitymom.blogspot.com/2013/07/home-school-sale.html - being shipped to alternate bidder today (7/19/13)
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From Facebook |
Since I am wrapping up the sale and I realized I never even listed one item, I figured it would make thing easier on you if I post a quick little update on items still available for sale (though I'm not so keen on the idea of shipping more after this weekend because I just need to be done with this whole thing for my mental health - out of area sales through this weekend or if you happen to catch me in a good frame of mind, maybe next week too; local pick up please come get your things ASAP). Please review the original link for ordering questions that are likely all answered there!
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From Facebook |
I gave a pretty full update on family life, kid's schooling future, our son's new bedroom and how this sale has impacted me stroke-recovery wise, over on Stroke Of Grace (look toward the final several paragraphs for these bits of news). I would have normally posted all that here for regular blog followers, but with the sale and all the unique traffic, didn't want to cause extra confusion. :)
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From Facebook |
So what's still available?
Pending (hold until early August for potential buyer to get back in town)
Newly Offered: Violin (I think 3/4 size, possibly 1/2), one missing string, in back pack style carrying case. Asking $20
Actual violin offered. Used one semester. Now needs one string replaced. |
Exploring Creation with Physical Science (2nd Edition) - ONLY TESTS AND SOLUTIONS and daily lesson plans for use with My Father's World (NO book nor CD). Asking $5. (Please visit apologia.com for product questions and current descriptions that will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we purchased in previous years.)
Science (grade 5) Unit 3 workbook (pages 5 and 6 written in). Asking 50 cents. (Please visit aophomeschooling.com for product questions and current descriptions that will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we purchased in previous years.)
Science (grade 6) Teachers's Guide and Unit 3 workbook. Asking $2. (Please visit aophomeschooling.com for product questions and current descriptions that will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we purchased in previous years.)
Science Pac (grade 7) with Teacher's Guide. Asking $5. (Please visit aophomeschooling.com for product questions and current descriptions that will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we purchased in previous years.)
Science Pac (grade 8) units 2-10 (missing unit 1) and Teacher's Guide. Asking $4. (Please visit aophomeschooling.com for product questions and current descriptions that will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we purchased in previous years.)
Feed My Sheep (full video instruction and book). Asking
I have done my very best to sort through "art cards" and match them up with correct curriculum packages, but I don't know how complete my sets of cards are nor how accurate my efforts. It is best to presume that this packages do NOT include its art cards at all, in hopes that you may be happily surprised if they do end up correctly matching up. :)
sale pending (check back after July 30 to see if still available) Jill S.
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Dinning Room Table, cut down to be a perfect sized craft/school table for preschool through early elementary (local pick-up only). About the size of a brio train table.
Baby B'air (toddler sized) in-flight vest for lap-sitting children, under the age of two. (When my kids were little, we used this all the time so we didn't have to pay for a second ticket and felt much better about safety than with standard lap sitting.) Asking $10.
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sold Emilee B.
SOLD Sara D. 7/20
I'm sorry. I really tried, but I never heard back, so it's gone:
Posted 7/15/13. Someone with the initials MB was wanting to buy my Math U See Delta package, but I cannot find anyone in any of my emails or PMs that has those initials and my short term recall in shot. Now I have NO idea who wanted to make this purchase. I am planning to mail this Friday (7/19), but don't have a name or address on this one. If you are MB, please email me again at jsaake AT yahoo DOT com or this item will be sold to another bidder on Friday morning. If you aren't the MB I am looking for, but can help circulate my odd request to other homeschool groups where she might see this, I would so appreciate the help! Thank you so very much!!! http://infertilitymom.blogspot.com/2013/07/home-school-sale.html - being shipped to alternate bidder today (7/19/13)
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Saturday, July 6, 2013
Home School Sale
This sale is CLOSED and all items distributed to new homes, as of fall, 2013. Thank you for your support!
Posted 7/15/13. Someone with the initials MB was wanting to buy my Math U See Delta package (from my home school sale linked below), but I cannot find anyone in any of my emails or PMs that has those initials and my short term recall in shot. Now I have NO idea who wanted to make this purchase. I am planning to mail this Friday (7/19), but don't have a name or address on this one. If you are MB, please email me again at jsaake AT yahoo DOT com or this item will be sold to another bidder on Friday morning. If you aren't the MB I am looking for, but can help circulate my odd request to other homeschool groups where she might see this, I would so appreciate the help! Thank you so very much!!! http://infertilitymom.blogspot.com/2013/07/home-school-sale.html - being shipped to alternate bidder today (7/19/13)
I'm a norther Nevada homeschooling mom for 10+ years, forced into "retirement," or at least changing educational direction, due to health circumstance (most recently, six strokes followed by hypoPARAthroidism). More of my story is found at StrokeOfGrace.blogspot.com.
As I mentioned on Wednesday, we are trying to clean out our old school room (major mixed emotions!) and raise funds for car repair and medical bills, so we hosted a yard sale two weeks ago, but hardly any of our quality homeschool curriculum sold that day! (I could have sold at least a dozen preschool an Kindergarten packages, had I had more than two sets that went almost immediately though!)
Much of it is in used, but still quite useable, condition and a little is brand new! We are asking about half (often significantly less than) off new prices, so if you are looking for just about any schooling product (10 year and 3 kids worth) ranging from first to eighth grades, we might well have it. While we do need to recoup as much monetarily as we can here, if cost is an issue and you really want the item, please speak up and offer whatever you can afford or feel the idem value to really be! We pray that these tools can become as much of a blessing to other families as they have been to us and want to get it all matched up to good homes.
I hope to have the entire process wrapped up by July 20 (2 weeks from today) but wanted to give you the first chance to come over, make offers, or ask questions.
Everything needs to find a home! Please help us spread this word around!!!
I will be making my final disposal of any remaining ideas by early August, so if you miss the July deadlines, feel free to email (info at the bottom of this post) to check if I have anything left to disperse in the fall, but I want to have a few weeks free this summer, before my kids start in their new classrooms on Aug. 12, where I don't have to deal with this at all!
The main things we have to offer (you might see other items of interest if you come to my south Reno home, but unfortunately I can no longer drive, so can't offer to meet to anywhere else) are:
(As items are spoken for, I willline them out.)
My Father's World:
(Please visit mfwbooks.com for product questions and current descriptions that will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we purchased in previous years.)
Exploration to 1850 (year 4 of 5-year cycle for 3-8th grades): Fairly complete Basic Package with extras, minus consumables such as student pages package. Asking$150 $100.
Items offered:
Exploration to 1850 (newer , 2nd edition) TM
classroom sized American Flag (included for local pick up only, stick too long to fit in shipping box)
Writing A State Report
Johnny Tremain
Foam state puzzle pieces
president cards
state cards
The 4th of July Story
Exploring American History
American Pioneers and Patriots
Celebrate America songbook and CD
The Train of States by Scolastic (not a MFW recommendation)
learn about the White House activity book (not MFW)
- Complete Book of American Facts and Games (a few activities already written in, but most still unused and text still readable and valuable)- A Brief Architectural History of the United States Capitol (Commission on the Bicentennial)
The Birth of the Nation (Schlesinger) a few library stamps in book covers)
In God We Trust
Doyer Coloring Book - Early American Trades with a very few pages colored
The 50 states (from The World Book Encyclopedia)
Our Flag (U.S. Government Printing Office)
The Last 500 Years
Kids Learn America! (Williamson Publishing)
Daily Life in a Covered Wagon (Puffin Books)
Schubert CD by Masterpiece (unopened)
The Best of Mendelssohn CD by Naxos (unopened)
America's Favorite Patriotic Songs
Great American Classics CD
Great Choral Classics CD
Great Piano Classics CD
SOLD1st Grade: Fairly complete Basic Package with extras, minus consumables and reader. Asking $85. Items offered:
My Father's World 1st Grade TM
Wild Places
Birds, Nests and Eggs
Science in the Kitchen
Science with Magnets
Science With Plants
Science with Water
Things Outdoors
Kingfisher You Knowledge Animal Homes
Usborne Story of Music
Dover Coloring Book Musical Instruments (uncolored)
Primary Language Lessons (Emma Serl)
Complete Book of Math (used up through 76 of 352) + MFW Weekly Guide for First Grade Math
Vowel Ladder and Assorted Teaching Card-stock Cards
Sold/PAID SB -Adventures in My Father's World (2nd or 3rd grade, for oldest child in family whereas students with older sibling also using MFW go staight into 5-year cycle): Fairly complete Basic Package with extras including I Can Do All Things from How Great Though ART (multiple books and VHS tapes), minus consumables. Asking $95.
Sold SB -Exploring Countries and Cultures (year 1 of 5-year cycle for 3-8th grades, older teacher's guide, but I used successfully with new student pages with fairly minor adjustments): Fairly complete Basic Package with extras, minus consumables such as student pages package. Asking $115.
sold SDCreation to the Greeks (year 2 of 5-year cycle for 3-8th grades): Semi complete Basic Package with extras such as God and the History of Art, minus consumables such as student pages package. Asking $110.
Items Offered:
Creation to the Greeks TM (newer version)
Genesis for Kids
Streams of Civilization (volume 1)
Greek Legends and Stories
Hanukkah book by Dayspring (not MFW resource, but nice fit)
Feasts and Holidays of the Bible brochure by Rose Publishing
Treasures of the Snow
Star of Light
Archimedes and the Door of Science (sealed, unread copy)
The Trojan Horse
Ancient World
God and the History of Art (books 1 and 2) - see note under How Great Tho Art about marker cards, pleas
small art cards (post card sized pictures of famous art pieces)
large art cards (placemat sized pictures of famous art pieces)
Vivaldi CD by Masterpiece
Classical 25 Favorites by Cameo Classics
The Story of Corelli in Words and Music CD by VOX Music Masters
New Testament Card Game
- photo copies of timeline, Jewish Calendar, card stock printables, and other Jewish
- Beginning of the World book by Creation Science Research (name on first page and multiple highlights and notes written through book)
- Pyramids!
Ancient Egypt
History Cards
SOLD CH1850 to Modern Times (year 5 of 5-year cycle for 3-8th
grades, newer teacher's guide!): Fairly complete Basic Package with
extras, minus consumables such as student pages package. Asking $120. Items offered:
US Facts and Fun, if you want it (consumable, fully written in)
state of Nevada flag
The Building of the Arch (not MFW resource, photos from Missouri)
The Story of The World Activity book pages in binder (unused set, but name on cover)
The U. S. History Cookbook
100 Science Experiments
Partial (kids have lost a few pieces, but kit still useable) Magnet Kit
1000 Facts About Scape (I think this might have been one of our own add ins too)
Story of the Civil War Coloring Book (Peter F. Copeland, 3 picture already colored)
World of Science
large ziplock of real cotton blooms, with seeds, harvested directly from central California fields, great for Cotton Gyn unit)
Across Five Aprils (7th/8th supplement book)
Grace's Letter to Lincoln
My Side of the Mountain
A Young Person's Guide to Knowing God
It's Only Goodbye
Night Bird
The Story of the World #4 Activity Book (Modern Age)
electoral college map by C-Span
3 in 1 science kit, Wired!
The Hiding Place
Story of the World #4 (bent cover and a few crumpled pages, but still in quite usable condition)
White House Activity Book (grades 4-6, not MFW)
True Stories About Abraham Lincoln
Call It Courage
Ivan the Informer
A Letter to Mrs. Roosevelt
Sergeant York and the Great War
Mountain Born
States and Capitals Songs map (no CD)
The United State of America blank maps tablet (used some, probably about 20 unused unused maps left)
Quite a bit of state of Nevada (and mining) information, plus travel brochures from many different states.
Math, Science and a Language Arts, especially past 1st grade, still need to be added to My Father's World packages. See below for what we have selected through the years.
(Pre-school, K, and year 3 have already been sold.)
Please visit apologia.com for product questions and current descriptions that will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we purchased in previous years.
Exploring Creation with General Science (2nd Edition) - book, CD, test booklet, daily lesson plans for use with My Father's World. Asking $40.
Exploring Creation with Physical Science (2nd Edition) - ONLY TESTS AND SOLUTIONS and daily lesson plans for use with My Father's World (NO book nor CD). Asking $5.
Usborme books "Kid Kit"Microscope in 100, 300 and 600 times zoom (missing book and a may be missing a few kit parts unless mixed in with the many pieces in science box) and Assorted Science Experiments. (This is not by Apologia, but I didn't want you to miss it if you are looking at other Science stuff.) Full box of extras include slides Hidden Worlds book, weather watch kit,spring scale, psychrometer, tuning fork, spectroscope . Asking$50 $20.
Please visit aophomeschooling.com for product questions and current descriptions that will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we purchased in previous years.
Science (grade 5) Unit 3 workbook (pages 5 and 6 written in). Asking 50 cents.
Science (grade 6) Teachers's Guide and Unit 3 workbook. Asking $2.
Science Pac (grade 7) with Teacher's Guide. Asking $5.
Science Pac (grade 8) units 2-10 (missing unit 1) and Teacher's Guide. Asking $4.
SBHome Economics - Student workbooks and Teacher's Guide. Asking $5.
KWDrawing Basics with Thomas Kinkade - 2 student sets with one teacher's guide and one full set of instructional videos. Asking $20.
How Great Thou ART
Barry Stebbing's award-winning homeschool art curriculum.
Please visit howgreatthouart.com for product questions and current descriptions that will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we purchased in previous years.
I have done my very best to sort through "art cards" and match them up with correct curriculum packages, but I don't know how complete my sets of cards are nor how accurate my efforts. It is best to presume that these packages do NOT include their art cards at all, in hopes that you may be happily surprised if they do end up correctly matching up. :)
I Can Do All Things from How Great Though ART (3 partially used copies of student book with multiple VHS taped lessons and demonstrations), is offered in conjunction with Adventures in My Father's World (see above) Asking $95 for both programs together.
God and the History of Art is being offered in conjunction with Creation to the Greeks (My Father's World, see above). Asking $110 for both programs together.
Feed My Sheep (full video instruction and book). Asking$20 $10.
Joseph the Canada Goose (ages 4-8) 45 beginning art lessons (no art cards needed for this program). Asking$10 $5.
Little Annie's Art Book of Etiquette and Good Manners Asking$10 $5.
Total Language Plus
Please visit www.totallanguageplus.com/main.htm for product questions and current descriptions that will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we purchased in previous years.
The Whipping Boy novel and workbook (clean copy with name on front cover). Asking $5.
The Courage of Sarah Noble workbook ONLY. Asking $4.
TLP Teacher's Manual (name on cover). Asking $2.
SOLD DGWhere the Red Fern Grows novel and workbook (clean copy, but name inside front cover). Asking $5.
KWThe Twenty One Balloons novel and workbook (clean copy inside, name inside front cover and stained on back cover). Asking $5.
KWShiloh novel and workbook. Asking $5.
KW A Wrinkle in Time workbook ONLY (written in though in page 35 of 105). Asking $2.
SOLD DGThe Light in the Forest workbook ONLY (clean copy with name on front cover). Asking $4.
More You Might Enjoy
Please visit any listed website for product questions and current descriptions that will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we purchased in previous years.
Lingua Angelica (Christian Latin Reading Course) Student Book 1 by Memoria Press. Asking $3.
Latina Christiana Level 1 book and single listening (not teaching) CD . Asking$10 $5
Vo-Cab-u-lary Program. 6 cassette tapes with workbook and recall cards. "To improve thinking, communication, persuasiveness, success" and memory from Learn Inc. Asking$10 $5.
Usborme books "Kid Kit"Microscope in 100, 300 and 600 times zoom (missing book and a may be missing a few kit parts unless mixed in with the many pieces in science box) and Assorted Science Experiments . Full box of extras include slides Hidden Worlds book, weather watch kit,spring scale, psychrometer, tuning fork, spectroscope . Asking $50 $20.
Dinning Room Table, cut down to be a perfect sized craft/school table for preschool through early elementary (local pick-up only). About the size of a brio train table.Asking $5. Free - you pick up!
Baby B'air (toddler sized) in-flight vest for lap-sitting children, under the age of two. Asking $10.
Key Curriculum Press Algebra - 10 student workbooks (1- first half of 4 is written in) and Answer Key. Asking $1.
Athenaze (An Introduction to Ancient Greek, Book 2) by Oxford University Press. Asking $2.
Music - 2 albums full of music history stories on cassette tapes (maybe 12-16 total?), and several items from Classical Kids, including a video, a poster, and yet several more cassette tapes. Asking $15.
Complete Biblical Hebrew learning program (flash cards, several books) from Eagle's Wings Tours. Asking $20.
SOLD/PAID SC- Latina Christiana Level 2 book and single listening (not teaching) CD . Asking $10
Sale/PAID JS -Huge Timeline
(took up an entire wall in our school room, but could be adapted into a
notebook if you don't want to give up the wall space) using Konos time marking strips and My Father's World timeline markers. Totally unique and so cool!!! Asking $10.
Language Arts (assorted publishers)
Please visit any listed website for product questions and current descriptions that will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we purchased in previous years.
Writing Strands (old cover, one page written in) level 4. Asking $4
SOLD to SD- Intermediate Language Lessons (Emma Serl). Asking $5.
(Primary Language Lessons are being included with MFW 1st.)
SOLD SDWriting Strands (old cover) level 3. Asking $5
KWWriting Stands Levels 5 and 6 - BRAND NEW. Asking $10 EACH.
KW All-in-One English from Straight Forward (both
our 4th and 7th graders went through their own copies of this book, so I
would say it is geared for later elementary or jr. high), brand new, never-used book, but does have name written on front cover. Asking $7.
KW Intermediate Language Lessons by Emma Serl
(recommended by My Father's World in mid to later elementary grades).
Beautiful, old-fashioned, hard-bound book, reminiscent of one room
school house primers. Asking $5.
KW Basics for Communicating Effectively from Christian Liberty Press - student workbook, teacher answer key and test packet. Asking $10.
KWLearn to Write the Novel Way by Carole Thaxton and published by Konos (composition, grades 5-12), student book and teacher's guide. Asking $5.
(Please visit mathusee.com for product questions and current descriptions that will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we purchased in previous years.)
Foundations of Mathematics (1-3 grades): Teacher's Manual Only! Make Offer. Asking $2.
Someone with the initials MB was wanting to buy my Math U See Delta package (from my home school sale linked below), but I cannot find anyone in any of my emails or PMs that has those initials and my short term recall in shot. Now I have NO idea who wanted to make this purchase. I am planning to mail this Friday, but don't have a name or address on this one. If you are MB, please email me again at jsaake AT yahoo DOT com or this item will be sold to another bidder on Friday morning. If you aren't the MB I am looking for, but can help circulate my odd request to other homeschool groups where she might see this, I would so appreciate the help! Thank you so very much!!! http://infertilitymom.blogspot.com/2013/07/home-school-sale.html
Delta (about 4th grade, Division for single and multiple-digit numbers and other topics.): Test book, teacher's guide, CD. Asking $15. - shipped to alternative bidder 7/19/13
Someone with the initials MB was wanting to
buy my Math U See Delta package (from my home school sale linked below),
but I cannot find anyone in any of my emails or PMs that has those
initials and my short term recall in shot. Now I have NO
idea who wanted to make this purchase. I am planning to mail this
Friday, but don't have a name or address on this one. If you are MB,
please email me again at jsaake AT yahoo DOT com or this item will be sold to another bidder on Friday morning. If you aren't the MB I
am looking for, but can help circulate my odd request to other
homeschool groups where she might see this, I would so appreciate the
help! Thank you so very much!!! http://infertilitymom.blogspot.com/2013/07/home-school-sale.html
shipped to alternative bidder 7/19/13
SOLD KOAlgebra 1
(Graphing, simultaneous equations, exponents, polynomials, unit
multipliers, and more.): CD, Student Text (lessons 1, 2 and half of 3,
out of 35, written in), and Instruction Manual, and Test Booklet (first
two test used). Asking $15.
Songbook (I believe this is skip counting). Asking 50 cents.
(All other levels, math blocks and accessories are gone. This was the one brand of our used curriculum that has already sold very well!
Rosetta Stone
visit www.rosettastone.com for product questions and current descriptions that
will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we
purchased in previous years.
SB then TSpanish (Latin America) levels 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, homeschool edition, Asking $150 (nearly $500 value).
Spelling Power
visit spellingpower.com for product questions and current descriptions that
will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we
purchased in previous years.
KW 3rd Edition (in my own binder) with Activity Task Cards. Asking $30
Vision Forum
SB Please
visit visionforum.com for product questions and current descriptions that
will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we
purchased in previous years.
The History of Christianity and Western Civilization (jr. high / high school) - NEW IN SEALED PACKAGE, 50 video lectures on 2 DVDs and online exclusive access. Asking $20.
I have done my best to represent all products to the best of my ability. If there are significant discrepancies between what you expected and actually purchased, please let me know ASAP so we can work together toward satisfactory resolution!
I have lost much of my functional hearing, so telephone talking is very difficult for me, but please contact me at jsaake AT yahoo DOT com with "homeschool" as your subject line if you have questions or would like to make a purchase (and I'll be happy to provide my address at that time)! We are more than open to selling to out-of-town friends even before July 15, simply trying to give local pick-ups first priority. If we need to mail, mailing charges must be added to asking prices.
Posted 7/15/13. Someone with the initials MB was wanting to buy my Math U See Delta package (from my home school sale linked below), but I cannot find anyone in any of my emails or PMs that has those initials and my short term recall in shot. Now I have NO idea who wanted to make this purchase. I am planning to mail this Friday (7/19), but don't have a name or address on this one. If you are MB, please email me again at jsaake AT yahoo DOT com or this item will be sold to another bidder on Friday morning. If you aren't the MB I am looking for, but can help circulate my odd request to other homeschool groups where she might see this, I would so appreciate the help! Thank you so very much!!! http://infertilitymom.blogspot.com/2013/07/home-school-sale.html - being shipped to alternate bidder today (7/19/13)
I'm a norther Nevada homeschooling mom for 10+ years, forced into "retirement," or at least changing educational direction, due to health circumstance (most recently, six strokes followed by hypoPARAthroidism). More of my story is found at StrokeOfGrace.blogspot.com.
As I mentioned on Wednesday, we are trying to clean out our old school room (major mixed emotions!) and raise funds for car repair and medical bills, so we hosted a yard sale two weeks ago, but hardly any of our quality homeschool curriculum sold that day! (I could have sold at least a dozen preschool an Kindergarten packages, had I had more than two sets that went almost immediately though!)
Much of it is in used, but still quite useable, condition and a little is brand new! We are asking about half (often significantly less than) off new prices, so if you are looking for just about any schooling product (10 year and 3 kids worth) ranging from first to eighth grades, we might well have it. While we do need to recoup as much monetarily as we can here, if cost is an issue and you really want the item, please speak up and offer whatever you can afford or feel the idem value to really be! We pray that these tools can become as much of a blessing to other families as they have been to us and want to get it all matched up to good homes.
I hope to have the entire process wrapped up by July 20 (2 weeks from today) but wanted to give you the first chance to come over, make offers, or ask questions.
Everything needs to find a home! Please help us spread this word around!!!
I will be making my final disposal of any remaining ideas by early August, so if you miss the July deadlines, feel free to email (info at the bottom of this post) to check if I have anything left to disperse in the fall, but I want to have a few weeks free this summer, before my kids start in their new classrooms on Aug. 12, where I don't have to deal with this at all!
The main things we have to offer (you might see other items of interest if you come to my south Reno home, but unfortunately I can no longer drive, so can't offer to meet to anywhere else) are:
(As items are spoken for, I will
My Father's World:
(Please visit mfwbooks.com for product questions and current descriptions that will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we purchased in previous years.)
Exploration to 1850 (year 4 of 5-year cycle for 3-8th grades): Fairly complete Basic Package with extras, minus consumables such as student pages package. Asking
Items offered:
Exploration to 1850 (newer , 2nd edition) TM
classroom sized American Flag (included for local pick up only, stick too long to fit in shipping box)
Writing A State Report
Johnny Tremain
Foam state puzzle pieces
president cards
state cards
The 4th of July Story
Exploring American History
American Pioneers and Patriots
Celebrate America songbook and CD
The Train of States by Scolastic (not a MFW recommendation)
learn about the White House activity book (not MFW)
- Complete Book of American Facts and Games (a few activities already written in, but most still unused and text still readable and valuable)- A Brief Architectural History of the United States Capitol (Commission on the Bicentennial)
The Birth of the Nation (Schlesinger) a few library stamps in book covers)
In God We Trust
Doyer Coloring Book - Early American Trades with a very few pages colored
The 50 states (from The World Book Encyclopedia)
Our Flag (U.S. Government Printing Office)
The Last 500 Years
Kids Learn America! (Williamson Publishing)
Daily Life in a Covered Wagon (Puffin Books)
Schubert CD by Masterpiece (unopened)
The Best of Mendelssohn CD by Naxos (unopened)
America's Favorite Patriotic Songs
Great American Classics CD
Great Choral Classics CD
Great Piano Classics CD
Sold/PAID SB -
Sold SB -
sold SD
Math, Science and a Language Arts, especially past 1st grade, still need to be added to My Father's World packages. See below for what we have selected through the years.
(Pre-school, K, and year 3 have already been sold.)
Please visit apologia.com for product questions and current descriptions that will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we purchased in previous years.
Exploring Creation with General Science (2nd Edition) - book, CD, test booklet, daily lesson plans for use with My Father's World. Asking $40.
Exploring Creation with Physical Science (2nd Edition) - ONLY TESTS AND SOLUTIONS and daily lesson plans for use with My Father's World (NO book nor CD). Asking $5.
Usborme books "Kid Kit"Microscope in 100, 300 and 600 times zoom (missing book and a may be missing a few kit parts unless mixed in with the many pieces in science box) and Assorted Science Experiments. (This is not by Apologia, but I didn't want you to miss it if you are looking at other Science stuff.) Full box of extras include slides Hidden Worlds book, weather watch kit,spring scale, psychrometer, tuning fork, spectroscope . Asking
Please visit aophomeschooling.com for product questions and current descriptions that will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we purchased in previous years.
Science (grade 5) Unit 3 workbook (pages 5 and 6 written in). Asking 50 cents.
Science (grade 6) Teachers's Guide and Unit 3 workbook. Asking $2.
Science Pac (grade 7) with Teacher's Guide. Asking $5.
Science Pac (grade 8) units 2-10 (missing unit 1) and Teacher's Guide. Asking $4.
How Great Thou ART
Barry Stebbing's award-winning homeschool art curriculum.
Please visit howgreatthouart.com for product questions and current descriptions that will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we purchased in previous years.
I have done my very best to sort through "art cards" and match them up with correct curriculum packages, but I don't know how complete my sets of cards are nor how accurate my efforts. It is best to presume that these packages do NOT include their art cards at all, in hopes that you may be happily surprised if they do end up correctly matching up. :)
Feed My Sheep (full video instruction and book). Asking
Joseph the Canada Goose (ages 4-8) 45 beginning art lessons (no art cards needed for this program). Asking
Little Annie's Art Book of Etiquette and Good Manners Asking
Total Language Plus
Please visit www.totallanguageplus.com/main.htm for product questions and current descriptions that will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we purchased in previous years.
The Whipping Boy novel and workbook (clean copy with name on front cover). Asking $5.
The Courage of Sarah Noble workbook ONLY. Asking $4.
TLP Teacher's Manual (name on cover). Asking $2.
More You Might Enjoy
Please visit any listed website for product questions and current descriptions that will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we purchased in previous years.
Lingua Angelica (Christian Latin Reading Course) Student Book 1 by Memoria Press. Asking $3.
Latina Christiana Level 1 book and single listening (not teaching) CD . Asking
Vo-Cab-u-lary Program. 6 cassette tapes with workbook and recall cards. "To improve thinking, communication, persuasiveness, success" and memory from Learn Inc. Asking
Usborme books "Kid Kit"Microscope in 100, 300 and 600 times zoom (missing book and a may be missing a few kit parts unless mixed in with the many pieces in science box) and Assorted Science Experiments . Full box of extras include slides Hidden Worlds book, weather watch kit,spring scale, psychrometer, tuning fork, spectroscope . Asking
Dinning Room Table, cut down to be a perfect sized craft/school table for preschool through early elementary (local pick-up only). About the size of a brio train table.
Baby B'air (toddler sized) in-flight vest for lap-sitting children, under the age of two. Asking $10.
Sale/PAID JS -
Language Arts (assorted publishers)
Please visit any listed website for product questions and current descriptions that will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we purchased in previous years.
Writing Strands (old cover, one page written in) level 4. Asking $4
(Primary Language Lessons are being included with MFW 1st.)
(Please visit mathusee.com for product questions and current descriptions that will explain the basics, but details might slightly differ from what we purchased in previous years.)
Foundations of Mathematics (1-3 grades): Teacher's Manual Only! Make Offer. Asking $2.
Someone with the initials MB was wanting to buy my Math U See Delta package (from my home school sale linked below), but I cannot find anyone in any of my emails or PMs that has those initials and my short term recall in shot. Now I have NO idea who wanted to make this purchase. I am planning to mail this Friday, but don't have a name or address on this one. If you are MB, please email me again at jsaake AT yahoo DOT com or this item will be sold to another bidder on Friday morning. If you aren't the MB I am looking for, but can help circulate my odd request to other homeschool groups where she might see this, I would so appreciate the help! Thank you so very much!!! http://infertilitymom.blogspot.com/2013/07/home-school-sale.html
shipped to alternative bidder 7/19/13
(All other levels, math blocks and accessories are gone. This was the one brand of our used curriculum that has already sold very well!
SB then T
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from Pintrest |
I have done my best to represent all products to the best of my ability. If there are significant discrepancies between what you expected and actually purchased, please let me know ASAP so we can work together toward satisfactory resolution!
I have lost much of my functional hearing, so telephone talking is very difficult for me, but please contact me at jsaake AT yahoo DOT com with "homeschool" as your subject line if you have questions or would like to make a purchase (and I'll be happy to provide my address at that time)! We are more than open to selling to out-of-town friends even before July 15, simply trying to give local pick-ups first priority. If we need to mail, mailing charges must be added to asking prices.
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