Saturday, August 7, 2010


4-year-old just stepped out of the shower, handed me his towel and asked, "Mom, can you get me un-wet?" This is the same child who will loudly inform you that he is "allergic of dogs" any time a canine comes within sight.
His swim trunks (I call it a swimming suit but his Daddy calls them "trunks") are "trunkers" according to our Little Bear. Just love this kid and his cute word choices.


Lori said...

I LOVE that!!! My little God-daughter and her mother lived with us for a little while and was about 3ish-4ish, I think, when she added -er to everything. EVERYTHING. The coffee maker was the coffee-er, the chair was the sit-ter, the hose was the water-er, etc.

We were doing laundry one day and she gave me a piece of my clothing and said, "Here, We-We (that's what she called me)'s your boob-er."

To this day, that's what we call it!!

Carolyn said...

Just lovely, thank u for the smile, I love the versions of words my toddler says,
Your words on peace and joy are my food this morning, right as I needed them, you have a lovely blog,
thank you

Anonymous said...

My double trouble 4 yr old keep me going with things like that!